Sano Satoshi                                       > CV (Japanese)
Architect, Joint-director of Eureka
Senior Assistant Professor at Keio Architecture

Sano Satoshi, Architect - Eureka / Keio Architecture
Sano Satoshi | © Ookura Hideki

Sano Satoshi is an architect based in Tokyo and Senior Assistant Professor at Keio University. After working at Renzo Piano Building Workshop and Kengo Kuma & Associates, he co-founded Eureka, a collaborative team of architectural designers & engineers in 2009. Eureka’s major works include Dragon Court Village (2013), Eagle Woods House (2017), NAGI Terrace (2019) and Blue Box Office (2023). Sano received his Ph.D from Keio University in 2021 with a dissertation entitled The Creation and Management of Public-private Interfaces.

| Biography
  1980   Born in Japan
  2003   Graduated at Waseda University
  2004   Renzo Piano Building Workshop, Paris
  2006   Kengo Kuma & Associates, Tokyo / Beijing
  2009   Co-founded Eureka, Joint Director
  2022   Senior Assistant Professor, Keio Architecture (-Present)

| Research and teaching activities
  2003   Master Course at the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University (-2006)
  2009   Visiting Fellow/Technical Assistant at co+labo radović, Keio University (-2021)
  2014   Part-time Lecturer, Keio University (-2021)
  2015   Research Associate, Tokyo University of the Arts
  2016   Doctoral Course at the Graduate School of Science and Technology, Keio University (-2019)

  2017   Part-time Lecturer, Tokyo University of the Arts
  2020   Part-time Lecturer, Art and Architecture School of Waseda University (-Present)
  2021   Research Associate, Keio University
  2022   Senior Assistant Professor, Keio University (-Present)
  2022   Director of co+labo: Urban Architecture Research and Design Laboratory, Keio University (-Present)

| Academic Degrees
  2003   B.Arch (Waseda University)
  2006   M.Arch (Waseda University)

  2021   Ph.D. (Keio University)


佐野 哲史 建築|Dragon Court Village - エウレカ

Dragon Court Village

- The Architectural Review (UK), Jul 2014
- C3 (Korea), Jul 2014
- Art 4D (Thai), Sep 2014
- Shinkenchiku, Feb 2014
- JA, 106 "Towards a New Urban House"

佐野 哲史 建築|Eagle Woods House - エウレカ

Eagle Woods House

- Shinkenchiku Jutakutokushu, Oct 2018
- Jutaku Kenchiku, Oct 2018

佐野 哲史 建築|Nagasaki Job Port - エウレカ

Nagasaki Job Port

- Shinkenchiku, Apr 2019
- Architectural Institute of Japan, Selected Architectural Designs 2020

佐野 哲史 建築|Blue Box Office

Blue Box Office

- Shinkenchiku, Sep 2023
- designboom | Eureka, HHO & Keio Architecture Sano coproduce Blue Box Office
- ArchDaily | Blue Box Office / Eureka + HHO + Keio Architecture Sano Lab

佐野 哲史 建築|Around the Coner Grain - エウレカ

Around the Corner Grain

- Shinkenchiku, Feb 2016
- designboom | asymmetrical building complex by eureka+maru maximizes visual porosity

ナギテラス 奈義町多世代交流広場

NAGI Terrace

- Shinkenchiku, Jan 2019
- Japan Architecture of the Year 2022-2023, The Japan Institute of Architects


Renovation Project of the Former Wada Residence (KUROSUKE NO IE)

- Architectural Institute of Japan, Selected Architectural Designs 2014

A house in the house tree

A house in the house tree

- Shinkenchiku Jutakutokushu, Aug 2017



- TOTO Tsushin, Jul 2015

Ono-Sake Warehouse

Ono-Sake Warehouse

- Shinkenchiku, Dec 2016
- Architectural Institute of Japan, Selected Architectural Designs 2019
- designboom | eureka + g architects studio complete roadside ono-sake warehouse


veterinarian N house

- Space (China), Jul 2012
- Urban Environment Design (China), Oct 2012
- ArchDaily | Veterinarian N House / Eureka + Atelier CHOCOLATE



- Shinkenchiku Jutakutokushu, Aug 2012
- Detail, Apr 2012

佐野 哲史 建築|ヒアシンスハウス - エウレカ


- Jutaku Kenchiku, Mar 2005
- Geijutsu Shincho, Feb 2005
- TOTO Tsushin, Jan 2006


| Main works at Kengo Kuma & Associates

  佐野哲史 隈研吾建築都市設計事務所 glass/wood house   佐野哲史 隈研吾建築都市設計事務所 SAKENOHANA   佐野哲史 隈研吾建築都市設計事務所 三里屯SOHO   佐野哲史 隈研吾建築都市設計事務所 根津美術館
 [Connecticut, USA]
 [London, UK]
 Sanlitun SOHO
 [Beijing, China]
 NEZU Museum
 [Tokyo, Japan]

| Main works at Renzo Piano Building Workshop

  佐野哲史 renzo piano building workshop columbia university campus plan      
 Columbia university campus plan
 [New York, USA]

| Awards
   - 24th JIA Sustainable Architecture Award 2023, The Japan Institute of Architects
   - JIA Best Architecture Award 2022, The Japan Institute of Architects
   - Second Place, Matsumoto Special School Competition
   - Civil Engineering Design Prize 2020
   - 21st Nagasaki Cityscape Award
   - 2020 Selected Architectural Designs of the Architecture Institute of Japan
   - 8th Daito Trust Construction Rental Housing Competition, Special Jury Prize
   - SD Review 2019, Selected work
   - 2019 Selected Architectural Designs of the Architecture Institute of Japan
   - Finalist, 30th JIA Young Architect Award, The Japan Institute of Architects
   - Second Place, Soka City Matsubara Child Center Competition
   - 31st Ibaraki Architectural Culture Award, Selected work
   - AICA Project Reference Contest 2017, Selected work
   - Residential Architecture Prize 2017, Tokyo Society of Architects & Building Engineers
   - Selected Architectural Designs Young Architects Award 2016, Architecture Institute of Japan
   - 2nd OKAZAKI Landscape Award
   - 2016 Selected Architectural Designs of the Architecture Institute of Japan
   - Architecture award 2016, Kantokoshinetsu Bloc of Architects & Building Engineers
   - First prize, 4th Saitama Architectural Culture Award
   - Honorable mention, 4th Saitama Prefecture Environmental Residence Award
   - The Architectural Review AR House Awards 2014, Highly Commended
   - Grand Prize, JIA Tokai Architectural Prize for Housing Projects 2014, The Japan Institute of Architects
   - First prize, 2nd Saitama Architectural Culture Award
   - 46th Chubu Architecture Award
   - JCD international design awards 2014, Best 100
   - 26th Aichi House Award, Urban Renaissance Agency Chubu Branch Prize
   - Japan Youth Lumbermen's Association 17th Wood Design Award for Best Residential Building
   - 2014 Selected Architectural Designs of the Architecture Institute of Japan
   - 47th Azusa Ono Art Award
   - Waseda Architectural Design Prize
   - SD Review 2005 Asakura-prize
   - Saitama prefecture scenic attraction prize
   - Saitama city scenic attraction prize
   - Fondazione Renzo Piano foundationer
   - Silver prize, Architectural competition by The Japan Institute of Architects

| Books
  - Urban Evolutionary Morphology: The Vestige City | Greg Keeffe, Darko Radović, Des Fagan, Sano Satoshi (Infra Press, 2012)

| Doctoral Dissertation
  - The creation and management of public-private interfaces : wellness and bottom-up approach urban design incorporating
   micro public spaces | Sano Satoshi

| Peer Reviewed Papers
  - Public-private Interaction in Low-rise, High-density Tokyo: A Morphological and Functional Study of Contemporary
   Residential Row-houses | Satoshi Sano, Ivan Filipović, Darko Radović

  - The Potential of Small Wooden-Frame Building in Aging Japan | Satoshi Sano, Naoki Saito, Davisi Boontharm
  - Use it or lose it: The (im)possibility of interpreting traditional Japanese spatial forms within contemporary architectural practice
     | Satoshi Sano, Naoki Saito

  - Citizens' Initiatives Ragarding the Construction, Management and Maintenance of "Haus-Hyazinth" - a City Park Pavilion
   - A Process Design to Create a Place for Collective Local Activities Starting from Individual Actions - | Sano Satoshi,
   Tsumura Yasunori, Yamanaka Tomohiko

  - Addition and Renovation of Kankyu-tei −Design process to inherit the cultural background− | Sano Satoshi, Miura Kiyofumi

| Articles
  - The Indigenous Urban Fabric of Tokyo: Low-Rise, High-Density Residential Urbanity (a+u, November 2021 Special Issue)
  - Space as the Mixture of Public and Private(Japan Institute of Architects "Bulletin", No.276)
  - Toward inconclusive space(KJ, Jan 2017)
  - Public/Private Interface for the Regional Community(ANATOMY OF ISLANDS book of abstracts 2016)
  - Kankyu-tei - the open residential space (Kankyuteishuho, 8)
  - In small urban spaces (Mn'M Workbook 2: Tokyo Dérive—In Search of Urban Intensities)
  - Exhibition report "Generation -Manifestations of Architects Under 35-" (Shinkenchiku, Sep 2012)
  - Time and texture reserved in architectural materials (AGC/Hello Architects/Architects Room topic of life 703)
  - Waseda architecture in the internationalization (Waseda Architectural school bulletin,2010)

| Exhibitions
  - SD Review 2019
  - "10 emerging architects Tokyo>Madrid" Universidad Politécnica de Madrid / The Japan Foundation
  - "Living Locally Reconsidering Critical Regionalism" Arts Maebashi
  - Timberize TOKYO 2020
  - AGC studio Exhibition No.12 "ATARASHII KENCHIKU NO TANOSHISA 2014"
  - SD Review 2005

| International Programs / Lectures
  - AA Visiting School Seoul 2023 Social Algorithms - Keynote Lecture
  - AA Visiting School Seoul 2024 The Evolution of Seoul as a City - Unit 2 / Tamao Hashimoto + Satoshi Sano

| Social activities
  - Steering Committee, Saitama Muse Forum, The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama (2009-16)
  - Steering Committee, Urawa Kenchiku Juku (2007-)
  - S
teering Committee, Haus-Hyazinth Society (2004-)

| Membership of professional institutions
  - Architectural Institute of Japan
  - Society of Architects & Building Engineers
  - The Japan Institute of Architect

| Links

  - co+labo: Urban Architecture Research and Design Laboratory, Keio University

  - Keio Architecture - SANO LAB


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